Sunday, February 3, 2013

More Stuff that I think About When I Should Be Thinking About Chicken...

One thing I've never quiet managed to understand is popular culture.  I just don't understand how it ticks. Somehow, someway, we collectively attach to things and they take on a life and pretense of their own. They rise to assume meanings that transcend that of their original intent and audience.  I suppose I just described internet memes, but I would think that this goes even further than just LoL Cats and their cheezebergers; you can even see it take root in such things as television, books, celebrities, whatever.  Although ultimately I have to say that the internet is the birthplace of so much of our culture these days that I guess it's only fair to attribute the birth of all memes to the world wide web.  Which then begs the question of who's populating the web with all this amazing content that eventually becomes annoying to the point of inciting ire on message boards and nothing more than meaningless clutter on your Facebook page?  Could this also be a realm built by nerds and then appropriated by the masses?  Or is it a collection of people from many different walks of life with way too much time on their hands?

This post is a sampling of the things that I think about while on the way to and from work.  Living near and working in San Francisco, I take the regional mass transit of choice for the area, which is of course the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART). This reveals why Fresno, CA will never be a major metropolitan region because, lets face it, who's gonna ride FART to work?  Which leads me to the next thought: the conversation of commute.  Person 1: "How do you get to work?"  Person 2: "Oh, I take FART".  This of course leads me to the question about the difference between 'fart' and 'shit'.  When you think about it, 'fart' is both a noun and a verb.  The same goes for 'shit' although not as much as 'fart'.  For some reason 'shit' must be taken in most cases.  "I have to take a shit", "I won't take your shit", and there's always the pessimistic question of charity "Who gives a shit?”  For some reason 'shit' has a give and take element surrounding it, while 'fart' is its own thing.  "Did you fart?”  “Who farted?”  Yet 'shit' is a medium of exchange, but in a negative sense, imagine for a moment:  Money that you don't want...  That would certainly change the banking industry.

Back to the give and take. Why don't we leave shits instead of take them?  Frankly, I figure the only places on Earth where the actual taking of shits occurs are Germany and Japan--mainly Japan.  And I'm pretty sure they'd turn that into some Japanime super hero whose ability is to clear ones colon by telekinesis, which would be a rather interesting power when you really think about it.  You could alter a person's waistline in an instant: Forget that Oprah Winfrey endorsed "Master-Cleanse" program, it's all about "Mister PoopGone" from now on.

Shits and farts, fits and starts; this is how I think. Where was I?  Oh yeah, memes.  My current favorite at the moment is Grumpy Cat. It is a meme that is the distilled nature of my personality but in the form of a cat; and cats, I recently learned, kill on a level that put both Hitler and Communism in general to shame.  But it's not all cats and cheezebergers out there--look around...  The religious philosopher Houston Smith once said:  "If we take the world's enduring religions at their best, we discover the distilled wisdom of the human race."  The same goes for the ’ol Interwebs, except that it's more geared toward being a reflection of our collective consciousness. Where do you think the Web Bot Project gets its ideas?  Come to think of it, I need to figure how to use that for sports betting. I like to think that I willed the San Francisco 49er's to lose today's Super Bowl. Then again it was a 50/50 outcome, but it really makes you think about the concept of a universe with infinite possibilities.

I know I’m just rambling into a wall at this point, but this is just how I think.  My whole train of thought is nothing but a stream of debris flowing aimlessly like all that junk you saw on the TV footage about the 2011 Japanese Tsunami footage [Yeah, I went there.] and I'm sure that there's some underlying message behind this but I'm thinking about steak at the moment.  I figure it's important for the audience to get acquainted with my style as this is the madness that will come tumbling from out of my noggin, so strap in kids.  Daddy's gonna rock this minivan way past 88 miles an hour and jack that Flux Capacitor to a level that will blow your minds....

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